Seminars in the UK
The Path of the Soul & The Shadow
Family Constellations - Shamanic rituals - Shadow work - Conscious touch
to the gateway seminar where we bring awareness into our foundation and
our roots, using Ritual, Family Constellations and Conscious
touch. Family Constellations is a unique blend of soul-work and
psychotherapy, inspired by the healing wisdom of traditional rituals
that honour our ancestors.
This time we widen the point of view with the question: What are we hiding and what do we not want to see
on ourselves? We will be using a variety of mirrors (the group, our
judgements, our preferences, our heroes) to expand our self image. All
that with the intention to reconnect with the qualities and resources
which we have cut away in order to be accepted and loved. We embrace our Shadow side in order to heal and grow.
This seminar is an invitation to enter the present moment and connect with the 'knowing field', revealing hidden dynamics within our family system. This dynamic process can bring resolutions and healing of long term issues, resulting in a healthier flow of love and energy. With conscious touch we enter the magical 'feeling field' that grounds and integrates our experiences and energy shifts in our bodies.
Motivation to participate might be the feeling of seeking change in our lives, a sense of stagnancy, a draw to deeper self-inquiry, clearing our relations or a desire for healing on the physical level.
Times: arrival: Thursday from 5PM latest 7PM, finishing: approx. 5PM on Monday
27 - 31 March 2025
Place: Coed Hill, St. Hilary, Cowbridge, CF71 7DP United Kingdom, See map
Price including seminar fee and basic lodging: Ł 350,- (more private accommodation can be booked in cabins for extra charge of Ł 30,- per bed )
Register for the seminar: Fill in the on-line form, Send. We will contact you after the application period in which we consider all incoming applications and motivations to participate. You will be asked to confirm your space on the seminar by paying a deposit 6 weeks before the seminar.
Lodging: in common dormitory in the big barn on mattresses. Coed Hills provides mattress, duvet and and pillow. Participants bring their own linen and sheets to cover them.
If you prefer to stay in one of the Coed's cabins you can book with Mathu at (extra charge of Ł 30,- per bed )
Bring: sheets, towels, indoor shoes/slipper, comfortable light clothing for indoor AND outdoor clothing for any whether, notebook and pen, blindfold, massage oil, sarong (big oriental scarf that you can tie round yourself), a massage sheet to use to cover the futons for the evening sessions, food: your contribution for the common kitchen - see below.
Dining: The basic cooking provisions are provided by us: pasta, rice, potatoes, tomato paste, cooking oils, herbs, spices, coffee, teas and milk. We all participate in preparing meals together in the community kitchen next to the seminar space. We are not strictly vegetarian but find it easier to stay this way so we can cater for everyone. Your contribution to the kitchen: vegetables for cooked lunches and salads, bread, cheese/spreads for cold dinners and fruits, oats, butter and jam for breakfast. Bring an amount of food which you are able to eat within four days! IF YOU ARE ON A SPECIAL DIET: bring all that you need with you.